The diversity of institutions of higher education, educational, teaching modalities, duration of programs, different content on programs with the same name, subjects with the same nomenclature with different purposes or vice versa, with educational programs and inflexible and bureaucratic regulations; they’re some of the drawbacks that has to face the student or teacher who decides to take an academic stay in an institution other than his own, inside or outside the country.
The revalidation or equivalence studies have complex procedures, which in most cases the affected resources at your institution choose, studies abroad. One option that saves and solve this problem is to work on the approval of educational programs, this article proposes a procedure for the approval of the educational program of the Bachelor of Agribusiness Management in the northwest region of Mexico, this proposal is based on various official documents and programs to regulate, guide or encourage the educational programs approval processes: the Agreement Number 286, published in the Official Journal of the Federation, lays down the guidelines that determine the rules and criteria that revalidation and studies’ equivalence must be adjusted and, the Integral Program for Institutional Strengthening (PIFI), which guides and encourages the actions of approval, the certification processes of educational programs that establish the Inter-Institutional Committees for Higher Education Assessment (CIEES), and various documents prepared by the National Association of Universities and Institutions of Higher Education (ANUIES).