

This paper attempts to provide an updated diagnosis of regional development in Romania and assess its global implications on the diversification of the rural economy and create jobs. The subject of the study includes theoretical treatment of the regional development management system problems and characteristics of the phenomena studied, directed and coordinated with the help of contemporary management. During/In our research we chose to analyze: - problematic regions and regional development - evolution of the concept of European regional policy, in chapter I opted for a historical perspective, due to the numerous events that contributed to the emergence and development of this type of policy, - how to implement regional policy with structural instruments, - the manner in which Romania has prepared for accessing structural instruments and implementation of European regional policy. The object studied a multitude of issues, and can be analyzed from several perspectives: historical (evolution over time), legal (implications on sovereignty or national policy implementation), economic and social (impact of this type of policy in a given territory), management (given complex system programming and administration policy and its measures).




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