Fuel wood provides the main source of energy for cooking
and space heating for over 80 percent of households living
in Kenya. The heavy reliance on the biomass energy has exerted
an imbalance in demand and supply consequently resulting in
adverse environmental effects in Kenya. As part of innovation
efforts, several energy-conserving technologies have been developed.
A unique cook stove named Maendeleo was developed
and promoted in Kenya and more so, West Pokot County,
northern of Kenya, with the goal of reducing the quantity of
wood households use for energy, and ultimately reduce pressure
on local forests. However, despite the demonstrated technological
multiple benefits and the institutional promotional efforts of
the Maendeleo stove technology; the adoption level of this innovation
has remained low. An important question investigated
in this study was what makes potential users not utilize such
valuable innovations? Socio-cultural, economic, political and
institutional barriers are considered to contribute to low uptake
of such innovations. This study therefore, sought to assess socio-
economic factors influencing the adoption of the Maendeleo
stove in the rural setting of Kapenguria Division. A survey
research methodology with ex-post facto design was employed.
The results showed that the age of the respondents had the
highest influence on the non-adoption of the Maendeleo stove.
Given the relatively low adoption level of Maendeleo stove in
the county, and the projected increase in the number of people
relying on biomass, this study recommends that the government
and development partners put in place a programme for the
promotion and dissemination of Maendeleo stove. There should
be further investigation into the adoption behaviour of the respondents
on the reasons for non-adoption and discontinuance
of use of the Maendeleo stove.