The scarcity of water resources and supply resources limitation,
have caused an increasing gap between water supply and demand
specially in recent decades in almost all regions of the
globe. One of the best known solutions proposed by the economists
is using the different water pricing approaches thereby obtaining
the optimal allocation and social justice. To this purpose, this
paper uses the positive Mathematical Programming (PMP) and
Econometric Mathematical Programming (EMP) in a comparative
analysis to study the economic and welfare impacts of alternative
water pricing approaches in the agricultural sector during
agricultural period 2011/2012 in Khomein plain of Markazi
province in Iran. Results show that the EMP can be a better alternative
approach instead of PMP to better analyze of agricultural
policies. According to the final outcomes, it is suggested to apply
the block tariff in place of volumetric pricing method to reach the
optimal allocation and promoting the water efficiency in the
price range of 198 to 853 Rials.