Capacity of garden productions in Iran is such that is
accounted as a country that produces thirteen garden
products in the world but despite excellent condition in Iran
for producing garden products, natural disasters damage production
of fruits in the country therefore farmers incur a loss.
Pistachio tree has been in danger of destruction and dryness.
Thus, in order to reduce loss incurred on trees, it is necessary
to insure the tree. This study is aimed to investigate factors affecting
willingness towards insurance of pistachio tree and to
estimate willingness to pay premium for pistachio tree in Rafsanjan
located in Kerman province. For this purpose, methods
of contingent valuation and double bounded dichotomous have
been used. Research data were obtained by field method and
interview with 184 pistachio gardeners in 2012. Results suggest
that willingness to pay premium of pistachio tree in central
part, Anar and Kashkuieh has been estimated by 1953, 3255.8
and 1183.3 IRR per tree respectively. Considering results and
high risk destruction of pistachio trees, it is suggested that premium
of pistachio tree is offered to reduce risk and loss of pistachio
gardeners. In order to determine premium in Rafsanjan,
WTP calculated in this study can be used.