

In tough competition of world, which only performance resisting the changes, the vital in taking the best decision is to ensure the balance between thought and action. If the methods used, analyzing and synthesizing information are good especially when financial results are element key for an entrepreneurial to focuses theirs attention and orient their efforts. In Romania, the performance and the success have become the motivation for any agro food companies what trying to enroll in the demands of the market economy. European competition requires primarily financial and economic dimensions of activity and food companies and for that an essential role returns for economic performance. This analysis allows making judgments and assessing the results of their correlation with financial and solvency structure rationalization study based on economic data and company's accounting. Depending on the methods used for obtaining, analyzing and synthesizing information particularly, the manager of agro food companies will know how to start and how to learn from the results. This paper presents the concepts, rules, conventions and practices of the agro food companies Iasi, Romania




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