Perceptions of a salinity ‘crisis’ in Australia around 2000 resulted in the establishment
of a major national program that aimed to prevent, stabilize, and reverse trends in
salinity. The National Action Plan for Salinity and Water Quality allocated A$1.4 billion
of public funds to 1700 projects over 7 years. Here, we assess the performance of
the program in relation to 12 features that we propose as being essential for programs
that aim to address complex environmental problems. The features include use of technical
information to guide investment prioritization, use of socio-economic information,
effective integration of information for prioritization, selection of appropriate
targets, choice of appropriate policy mechanisms, and provision of incentives and support
to environmental managers to pursue environmental outcomes cost effectively.
Our assessment reinforces findings from a number of public reviews that found serious
weaknesses in the program. Overall, with a few exceptions, projects under the
National Action Plan generated few worthwhile salinity mitigation benefits and will
have little enduring benefit. This was readily foreseeable given attention to the
scientific and economic knowledge of salinity available at the time the program was