

Trypanosomosis is the single most important disease constraining the expansion of livestock in Kenya. Several technologies have been developed to ameliorate the effects of the disease. However, the delivery of these technologies to farmers has been undertaken on trial and error basis without a proper strategy. This has led to more failures than success and contributed to wastage of scarce resources. The main objective of this study was to estimate determinants of preferences for different trypanosomosis control technologies among smallholder cattle farmers in Busia County, Kenya. This study utilized a cross–sectional survey design based on a sample of 217 respondents. Data was collected by use of structured questionnaires and interview schedules. Data from the research instruments were analyzed using descriptive and inferential statistical analysis. Study results show that the most common mode of controlling tsetse fly was through spraying at home followed by communal spraying while the factors affecting the choice of trypanosomiasis control were: age, sex, education, expenditure, milk income, and experience. A high preference for home spraying was noted indicating the possibility sustainable household tsetse control. The study recommends that Farmers should be encouraged to integrate the existing control methods with cheaper ones like insecticide treated traps and zero grazing nets.




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