A study was conducted in the four counties the maize- wheat-teapotato
and sugarcane-based farming system in North western Kenya
to explore the variability among household characteristics and farm
productivity. The aim of this work was to establish homogenous
groups of crop-livestock mixed farming systems of Kenya. A two
step approach was adopted for the study. The first was a rapid rural
appraisal followed by a formal survey aimed at establishing farm types
to facilitate detailed analysis of synergistic crop-livestock interaction
systems. A random sample of 423 farmers was interviewed using a
semi structured questionnaire. Descriptive and multinomial techniques
were used in the analysis. Two classifications were utilized, the first
step was establishing the criteria for classification and the second
based on resource accessibility by farmers. The criteria used were the
proportions of various crop and livestock enterprises and resource
endowment. The process came up with eight farm types based mainly
on the farm enterprise orientation, farm size, land productivity, cattle
breeding, and farm by-products. Based on the formal survey three
farm types were identified as intensive, semi intensive and extensive
systems. The resource groups in all the counties were identified by:
crop-livestock management, soil fertility management, food security
and farm and off-farm income as important indicators of variability. However, all households were net food buyers, implying food
insecurity. In addition, off-farm activities and off farm income were
important livelihood survival strategies. Development planners and
policy makers need to develop unique interventions targeting each
specific group, since blanket policies are not appropriate in such a
situation. Options such as optimizing livestock numbers to match
available feed resources and improving feed availability through
breeding and adoption of dual-purpose crop varieties with better
digestibility coefficient, improving the cost-effectiveness of existing
nutrition technologies (e.g. crop-by-products’), and bringing more
land under fodder crops need to be explored. Since the farm sizes
within the region had continued to decline, limiting the availability
of on-farm livestock feed, there is need for policy instruments that can
discourage land fragmentation