Management of multifunctional landscape in conformity with the prerequisites
of the sustainable and harmonious development constitutes currently
one of the priorities of spatial policy in the countries of European Union. This policy
assigns a special significance to rural areas, subject to a very strong human
pressure and the associated functional and spatial transformations of landscape.
The purpose of the present report is to identify the conditions of regional development
of the rural areas, linked with the concept of „smart growth“, and to illustrate
them with the results of analysis of the factors determining this process, conducted
for two territorial units of Poland, corresponding to the provinces of
Greater Poland – situated in western Poland, and Podlasie – in the north-eastern
part of the country. The choice of these provinces was by no means incidental,
since they are representative, in terms of numerous socio-economic features, for
the larger areas of western and eastern Poland. The results obtained indicate that
smart growth can be considered a very important tool in development of the
regional growth policies. It allows, on the one hand, for making use of the natural
resources of the environment and of the socio-economic potential of the region,
while on the other hand – to optimise regional growth in accordance with the
principles of sustainable development.