This guide is designed econometrics laboratory for economists users allowing them to know the tool to contribute to the socio-economic analysis to improve sector policies.
It is a guide used in Econometrics components provided in the school for Business Economics Christian Autonomous University of Nicaragua, UCAN.
The aim of this series of guides is that the user knows and applies the Eviews software tool and fundamentally that it develops skills for socio-economic analysis applied to the economy of primary, secondary and tertiary sectors.
The manual is organized in 8 laboratories which correspond to the first part of the component of Econometrics Economics schools. These labs contain a theoretical supported from Mandala basic text, and a practical explanation Eviews software usage. It is important to note that over time the versions of this software vary so that in practice some commands also vary. However, the user depending on the version you will need to find or implement that change based on the basic explanation offered in this manual.
We add an appendix that defines the interpretation of key test parameters Eviews and a calculation for interpolation.
It is important to note that at present the applied science researchers work with software that allows to go beyond the econometric analysis to enveloped data analysis, however it is essential to start with this tool.