Computer applications are the most recent advance in the manmachine
relationship in agriculture. In the past decade, these
applications have grown phenomenally, especially in the areas of
research, development, and experimentation. The use of the
computer has led to a corresponding growth in the publication
of literature reporting findings of research accomplished.
Attempts to control this literature through secondary services
are discussed. A brief history of influences determining the output
of agricultural economics literature is presented, and early
efforts to establish bibliographic control over these publications
are reviewed. More recently, however, publication of research
findings has far exceeded attempts over their control, and this
has become a problem. Results of much research are not reaching
potential users. Thus, it becomes increasingly difficult to
justify funding of projects that do not find practical application.
This problem may partially be overcome by supporting efforts
to provide secondary services. Ultimately, it will require greater
attention to and funding for computerized bibliographic control
of literature.