The purpose of this study was investigation of East Azerbaijan
researchers and extension agents’ view about the role of
extension services on agricultural development. The methodology
was descriptive-correlation which is carried out by survey
method. In this study, the sample population was 335 people
including all researchers and extension agents working in the
agricultural sector. To assess the reliability of the questionnaire,
Cronbach's alpha coefficient was used and level over 0.75 for
all sections of the questionnaire was measured. Its validity
was established asking for the help from the technical experts.
Results showed that the agricultural extension is an undeniable
necessity in the agricultural development the effects of which
has been positive and significant in the major variables of the
agricultural development. The shortcomings are not due to the
nature of extension rather they are because of improper
execution, lack of support and similar reasons. The reduction
of pest damage, improvement of the social status, contribution
to boost handicrafts, acceptance of product insurance, recommendations
for land leveling, creation of sale cooperation,
awareness raising of the market, use of modern irrigation
methods and several factors else was those extension role
factors that the respondents agreed upon.