The increasing demand for rice in Ghana has been a major
concern to the government and other stakeholders. Recent
concerns by the coalition for African Rice Development (CARD)
to double rice production within ten years in Sub-Saharan
countries have triggered the to implement strategies to boost
rice production in the government. To fulfill this requirement,
there is a need to monitor and forecast trends of rice production
in the country. This study employs the Box-Jenkins approach to
model milled rice production using time series data from 1960
to 2010. The analysis revealed that ARIMA (2, 1, 0) was the
best model for forecasting milled rice production. Although, a
ten years forecast with the model shows an increasing trend in
production, the forecast value at 2015 (283.16 thousand metric
tons) was not good enough to compare with the current production
of Nigeria (2700 thousand metric tons), the leading producer of
rice of rice in West Africa.