Damage in agricultural production can be crucial for the economy of a state, especially in
countries where agricultural production prevails in the gross national income, as it is the
case with Serbia. However, it is equally important that our agricultural producers manage
incomes and expenditures in an efficient manner and optimize profit per surface unit, which is
the basis of their business. Insurance plays an important part in the protection of the income
statement of every agricultural producer as insurance costs are at the level of 1.5% to 2% on
average of the production value, i.e. they are very low and saving on insurance could lead
to the loss of the total yield and consequently total profit. However, agricultural insurance in
Serbia is not developed enough. The state’s attempt to boost insurance development amounts
to insurance subsidies, which, in the period of the implementation of this regulation, i.e. since
2006, has raised awareness of the need of such a type of protection of agricultural producers.