Due to the steady reduction of nature sites in urbanised regions, nature restoration projects are
now a focal point of public interest. Policy-makers are required to balance public preferences
for nature sites, with the high costs of nature restoration projects. Landscape preferences are,
in general, positively correlated with ecological preferences. However this relationship is far
from straightforward. Past studies show that different factors, such as personal, site-specific
and spatial characteristics, influence preferences, while at the same time, little is known about
the relative importance of these factors. This article proposes a conceptual approach for
gaining insights into preference heterogeneity, in the context of stated preference
environmental valuation studies. We conduct a choice experiment at the Drongengoed
(Belgium); an afforested heathland with a diversified mosaic of natural habitats. The
experiment determines public preferences towards nature restoration scenarios and illustrates
the public’s willingness-to-pay for a change from the current state to a scenario with less
coniferous trees, higher biodiversity and good maintaining of accessibility. Area-specific and
socio-demographic characteristics are controlled for and affect the preferences for certain
types of nature restoration scenarios. Preference heterogeneity is also observed for most of the
choice attributes, suggesting that more sophisticated modelling methods are needed.