From the 90th years of the last century is the production of pigs and pork industry in the Czech Republic thanks to decreasing self-sufficiency CR in this commodity frequently discussed topic. Low and fluctuating producer ́s price, increased imports of live animals and pig meat abroad and the high costs of production are often referred as one of the critical reasons for the current situation in the livestock sector. This paper deals with the calculation of cost of production in the fattening period of pigs and assessment of the influence of selected factors on the amount of these costs. The aim of this paper is to give an overview of the production costs in the final stage of pig production and overview of the influence of selected factors (the prices per year and the size of agricultural land area of farm) on the amount of costs. To meet the goal was used data of anonymous questionnaire survey of farms from the years 2006 – 2010. To quantify the cost of production was used two-stage calculation. Using analysis of variance and program STATISTICA was evaluated statistical significance of selected factors on indicators – cost items. The amount of total cost in the fattening stage of pigs increased from 2006 to 2008, in 2009 and 2010 were identified annual declines, as a result of reducing the cost of feed and labor costs. The average total cost in the fattening period of pig in the period of 2006 – 2010 amounted to 1 752.8 CZK /100 FD. Feed costs in the cost structure are the most important item in the period represented on average 65.6% of total cost in the fattening period of pigs. For farms without agricultural land, the proportion was 2.4% higher. Pieces of knowledge introduced in this paper resulted from solution of an institutional research intention MSM 6046070906 „Economics of resources of Czech agriculture and their efficient use in frame of multifunctional agri-food systems“.