Srinivasa Ramanujam, the Chief Operating Officer of Adani Agrifresh, faces important decisions regarding his apple business in India. In 2005, Agrifresh saw a business opportunity and set up a Controlled Atmosphere Storage (CAS) facility when the state of Himachal Pradesh adopted the amended APMC Act, which deregulated the marketing of fresh produce. Following this change in the legal environment, Ramanujam reengineered the apple supply chain, which had previously operated very inefficiently. He achieved some degree of initial success in an agribusiness environment where long chains of intermediaries dominated produce marketing despite adding little value. The case describes the challenges faced by Agrifresh including securing supplies from farmers, capacity utilization, and product portfolio issues. The case is intended to be used in teaching a variety of management topics to students at the undergraduate, graduate, and executive levels, including agribusiness, strategy, and supply chain management, particularly as they apply to emerging markets.