The purpose of this study was to survey impacts of drought
on Socio-economic conditions of Guilan Paddy farmers.
Besides recognizing these impacts, it ranked them according
to the viewpoint of the Paddy farmers. It was of the descriptive-
correlation type. Questionnaire was the main tool of this
study. To determine the validity of questionnaire used of comments
of panel experts and reliability of the questionnaire by
using of Cronbach's alpha coefficient was 89%. The information
gathered by using the survey method. The statistical population
was the farmers whom their basic career was production of
rice and according to the information of Agricultural Organization
(Jihad-e-Keshavarzi) in 2009 was caught by drought. By using
the proportional stratified sample method, 270 of these
individuals were chosen and filled in the questionnaires. In
order to determine the scale of drought impacts, year 2008 (a
year which paddy farmers had ensured water reservoir) compared
to year 2009 (a year which paddy farmers were caught by
drought and water shortage). The results indicated that drought
caused decrease in white-rice production for 312 kg per hectare.
This problem also caused increase in costs, decrease in income,
decrease in saved money, and increase in anxiety, mental
problems etc on Guilan paddy farmers. Other findings indicated
that there hasn’t been statistically significant relationship
between age and farming experience of paddy farmers with
the amount of damage. But, there was statistically significant
relationship between literacy, type of water resource and taking
extension advices with amount of damage.