Corporate farming has attracted much attention, particularly with
the movement of nonagricultural interests into the farm real estate
market. Some believe that nonfarm corporations are taking advantage of
tax s heI t ers an d ot her l· nvestment .lnce.ntlv es 1 an d are competl. ng un fa·lrl y
with operators of smaller farming units. Others argue, with equal fervor,
that corporate farming is not a threat and that it is compatible rather
than competitive with "family farm" agriculture.
In such an environment of considerable emotional rhetoric, a
foundation of factual information is extremely important (1,7). The
intent of this report is to provide a clearer perspective of corporate
farming in Nebraska.
Initially, the recent history of public policy in Nebraska regarding
this issue is reviewed. In addition to specific measures regarding
corporate farming, policy measures directed at family farming in general
are considered. Then several data sources are used in examining the
relative importance of corporate ownership and control of farmland in
Nebraska. These sources include: (1) the U.S. Department of Commerce
1978 and earlier Censuses of Agriculture; (2) unpublished data from the 1979 Corporate Farm Reports filed with the Nebraska Secretary of State's
office; and (3) unpublished data for Nebraska from the 1978 National Landownership
Study conducted by the U.S. Department of Agriculture. It should
be noted that no single information source provides a comprehensive picture.
Also, it is readily apparent that the various data sets do not totally
correlate. ~1inor discrepancies occur between reported figures from these
sources due to statistical estimation error, differences in definitions,
and differences in survey procedure and design. However, this is not
believed to be a major limiting factor in gaining a more realistic
perspective of the corporate farming issue.