

Based on data of 248 rural households in Pucheng County and Huxian County, we established the Two-Level Logit Model to analyze the willingness of farmers to adopt new technologies, its influence factors, and probability of successful adoption of new technologies. Results show that the willingness has positive correlation with whether the farmer is head of household, the educational level, occupation, agricultural loan, the number of family labor, and information dissemination channel, while it has negative correlation with non-agricultural employment proportion and whether the farmer is village cadre. In the model of the probability of farmers’ successfully adopting new technologies, occupation, agricultural loan, planting area, gender and educational level are positively correlated, while age and non-agricultural employment proportion are negatively correlated. Large-scale flow of rural labor plays a negative role in popularization of technologies in rural areas through influencing factors, including number of family labor, non-agricultural employment proportion, educational level, gender, and whether the farmer is village cadre. Finally, on the basis of results of empirical study, we put forward countermeasures and suggestions for strengthening ability of farmers to adopt new technologies.



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