This study has estimated the total factor productivity (TFP) and its share in output growth, and returns to
public investments on research in agriculture in India. The contribution of agricultural research in reducing
real cost of production and attainment of food self-sufficiency has also been estimated for the country.
The estimates of TFP have shown considerable variations across crops in different states and at all-India
level during the period 1975-2005. These wide variations in TFP growth indicate that technological gains
have not been experienced in a number of crops in many states. The TFP growth has helped in reducing
the real cost of production in the range of 1.0–2.3 per cent annually in the case of cereals. This has helped
in keeping the prices of cereals low for consumers and providing benefits to producers through a decline
in the real cost of production. Returns to investment on agricultural research have been found to be a
highly paying proposition. The study has suggested that further investments on research will generate
significant returns. At the sector level (including crop and livestock), the TFP growth has contributed 15
per cent to output growth during 1990-91 to 2006-07. The returns to investment on agricultural research
have been estimated at 42 per cent. Study has found that about one-fourth growth in the output of wheat
and cotton, one-fifth in case of pearl millet, and around one-eighth in paddy and maize each have been
achieved due to investments on agricultural research. In the year 2005-06, contribution of research in
crop output has been estimated to be 10.4 Mt for wheat and 6.3 Mt for rice. In monetary terms, the
contribution of research in the value of the nine selected crops has been computed as ` 1552 crore. The
study has suggested a higher allocation of resources for development of agriculture in the country and
attainment of national food and nutritional security.