This paper investigates the economic impacts of the reforms both on the EU sugar sector but also
more globally and examines the intended and unintended consequences of the reforms. This
provides insights into the likely impacts of the further reforms proposed for 2015 – namely the
removal of sugar beet quotas within the EU. We find, in line with other studies that whilst the
reforms have improved the economic efficiency of the EU sugar sector the nature of the reform
process has meant that these gains have not been maximised. This is due to the fact that production
was cut in some of the more efficient regions of Europe as well as the least efficient. Our modelling
highlights that the reforms have led to alternative trade patterns emerging both internally within the
EU as well as externally. Internally, cessation of production in a number of countries provides
opportunities for those remaining in production. Externally the significant decline in EU sugar on the
world market has provided opportunities for other countries. It would appear that Brazil and
Thailand have been amongst the main beneficiaries of the disappearance of EU sugar from the world