There is little that stirs more debate today in the
countryside than the spread of large confined animal facilities. At a recent
Congressional hearing, Dan Glickman, Secretary of Agriculture, said that the
U.S. Department of Agriculture gleans several stories on such debates from
the nation's press every day. The stories tell how divisive issues, such as air
and water pollution that often accompany "industrialized" animal operations,
have pitted farmer against farmer, rural neighbor against farmer, rural townspeople
against immigrant farm laborers, environmental advocates against
agribusiness, all of which have stressed rural communities.
The industrialization of agriculture has been underway for most of
this century, as farms have specialized and grown larger. This relentless
process has been pushed by a multitude of technological developments from
the introduction of mechanical cultivation and harvesting, hybrid seed, synthetic
fertilizers and pesticides, and pulled by the growth in food and fiber
needs of an expanding domestic and world population. The benefits of
increased production, principally lower cost food, and costs of adjustment to
farm families and rural communities have been well documented. The
Wallace Institute has published two studies on this topic, The industrial
Reorganization if Agriculture and Reorganizing u.s. Agriculture: The Rise
if industrial Agriculture and Direct Marketing, by Rick Welsh.
As agriculture enters an era of less government intervention in
production, opening global markets, and dizzying advances from the electronic
and biotechnology revolutions, the industrialization process promises
to accelerate faster and extend farther. Yet, it's clear that the public expects more from farming than low cost food. These industrial farms not only
share the countryside with other farms, but must coexist with an increasingly
diverse array of rural residents, businesses, and recreationists. That
diversity has spawned conflict. For example, a robust public demand for
environmental quality affected by farm practices has prompted many state
legislatures to pass restrictive laws pertaining to the perceived risks posed
by large scale animal production. Meanwhile, rural communities are searching
for ways to weigh and balance these competing interests.
With such contentious problems confounding the search for constructive
approaches, the Henry A. Wallace Institute's Policy Studies Program
commissioned Professor Emery Castle to review and analyze the process of
agricultural industrialization in relation to rural development. Professor Castle
chaired the National Rural Studies Committee from 1986-96 (castle, 1997).
He has been a student and teacher of agricultural development and natural
resource management for nearly forty years, and has earned distinguished
recognition in scientific and policy circles.
The primary purpose of Professor Castle's report, Agricultural
Industrialization in the American Countryside, is to offer a conceptual
framework that all participants in rural policy can use to assess and shape
the process of agricultural industrialization for the greatest benefit to their
communities. Those participants often are urged by special interests to take
the extreme position of either accepting industrial agriculture without modification
for fear of losing economic benefits, or of banning all forms of
industrial farming. Professor Castle rejects these policy extremes as unwise
or unrealistic. Instead, he urges communities to adopt a "monitor, manage,
and modifY where necessary" approach to assure that new agricultural
enterprises support the full set of rural development objectives. He
advances the concept of "rural capital stock," with manmade, natural,
human, and social capital elements for use in measuring and evaluating the
effects of industrialized farms. His presumption is that rural communities
will wish to maintain or enhance their total capital stock to assure economic,
environmental, and social vibrancy well into the future. Diligently considering
the full range of effects of new forms of agricultural development is
integral to that process. A few communities have practiced this approach,
but it is by far the exception rather than the rule. The Wallace Institute
views Professor Castle's report as a vehicle for stimulating a constructive
policy dialogue and process on agricultural industrialization that recognizes
the interests of all participants.