Rural community vitality depends on communities maintaining
adequate infrastructure, having access to services, enhancing
business and economic opportunities and establishing policy settings
to foster outcomes. Vitality also relies on communities “rethinking”
assets, developing networks, building local cooperation and acting
on local passion and motivation. In addressing both these aspects,
current approaches to rural and regional development represent a
partial approach. Efforts largely focus on service provision, discrete
initiatives, information dissemination and provision of resources to
meet perceived needs. While these are crucial elements of rural development,
a more comprehensive approach is needed. A more
comprehensive agenda involves engagement that helps people act
on existing motivation, includes greater recognition of frustration
and anger in regional areas, and helps people gain better access to
information and services. A broader approach would also reexamine
agency assumptions, better foster community confidence,
provide more coordinated frameworks for discrete initiatives, and
establish community relationships beyond those of service delivery.
In implementing this expanded approach community developers
face five challenges – a greater recognition of community values,
new forms of participation, coping with perceptions, fostering community
confidence and changes to the role of government. Addressing
these challenges raises fundamental dilemmas such as focused
action vs. community unity, participative democracy vs. representative
democracy, and volunteerism vs. professionalism.