A host of economic, institutional, and political forces have
thwarted the development of an appropriate comprehensive federal
rural development policy in the U. S. This article examines those influences
from an historical perspective. Some of the changes noted
are the emergence of rural development leadership in agencies other
than the U. S. Department of Agriculture, the birth of a new Congressional
Rural Caucus, the formation of a National Rural Network of
rural advocacy groups, and the coming realization that the destinies
of central cities and rural areas are intertwined. An encouraging
sign is the move toward a different type of rural policy governance
in Washington, one in which a sensitivity to rural contexts and issues
is being articulated in Transportation, Health and Human Services,
and other program units that are not expressly rural-oriented. At the
same time there continues to be too much emphasis placed on agriculture’s
role in the rural economy, which leads to policies that cannot
help most rural communities.