The dominant view among policy-makers in Sarawak, a resource
frontier state in Malaysian Borneo, is that the only viable way to
involve smallholders in the oil palm boom that has transformed the
agricultural economy of that island is to consolidate them into larger
production entities with externally provided management and finance.
However, despite lack of government support, the area of smallholder
oil palm has increased dramatically in the past decade in those regions
with access to roads and palm oil mills. We argue that, once processing
infrastructure is in place, oil palm smallholders can readily take
advantage of this infrastructure to pursue a profitable livelihood option,
with lower cost and greater flexibility than large-scale operations. In
this paper we explore the characteristics of oil palm smallholders in
Sarawak and the complex and varied processes by which they have
inserted themselves into the rapidly expanding landscape of large-scale
plantation development. We develop a typology of oil palm
smallholders and present a case study based on a questionnaire survey
of 72 farm-households in five longhouse-communities in northern
Sarawak. The analysis shows the economic viability of independent oil
palm smallholders and identifies appropriate means of support that
could raise incomes and spread benefits more widely.