A large body of literature has highlighted and analysed the issues which affect the quality and the reliability of evaluation results of the RDPs measure. In addition to weaknesses in the specification of objectives, measurement of the additionality, several authors have pointed-out a lack in evaluation of the cross-effects across space of the measure. The objective of this contribution is to develop a spatial analysis of the participation rate in the measure 121, highlighting, as a determinant, the effect of the set of priorities established by the local administration. The analysis is realised by two steps: the first is the realisation of an Exploratory Spatial Description Analysis (ESDA) of the participation rate in the Emilia Romagna Municipalities and the second is the development of a spatial econometric model of the participation rate in measure 121. Results highlight the relevance of the spatial analysis in improving the predictability of the participation to rural development measures. In particular they show a positive effect of the neighbouring and of the spatial location in the explanation of the participation rate; the results also show the effect of the priority mechanism implemented by each province in determining participation.