It has been a long time since we have seen a cost of production study for horticultural
crops, notably processing vegetable crops, in New York State; however, research in this arena is
completed in many other states and continues to offer useful information to industry stakeholders.
This type of information is especially important in the processing vegetable sector in New York
State as it has seen substantial acreage decreases in recent years. Here we develop a survey to
collect data from processing vegetable growers in New York State and use it to calculate costs and
net returns of producing snap beans and green peas. Our results indicate that the average cost of
producing snap beans in New York State is $568 per acre and is $563 per acre for green peas; the
actual producer costs drop to $402 and $361 for beans and peas if the processor pays for expenses
related to seeds, pesticides, and harvesting. Lastly, we discuss some other issues—consumer
demand, farm policy, and processing capacity—that may be negatively impacting markets for
processing beans and peas in New York State, and suggest that further attention needs to be given
to these issues to fully understand the future of the processing vegetable sector in New York State.