In 1978, the County of Stanislaus took a proactive stance on the issue of food processing
by-product by developing the Stanislaus County Food Processing By-Product Use Program
(Program). This program allows food processors to take their by-products to local agricultural
producers, who in turn reuse the by-products by feeding it to their livestock or spreading it across
their fields as a soil amendment. Since its inception the county has reported that over 6 million
tons of by-products have been reused by agricultural producers and consequently diverted from
local landfills. Within the last couple of years, the Regional Water Quality Control Board
(RWQCB) has brought concerns to Stanislaus County that this program may pose a risk to the
county’s surface and ground water resources. The RWQCB proposed that program participants
implement several new levels of product and environmental monitoring. Program participants
believe that the current program is environmentally sound and that additional monitoring may be