

Aloe Vera is the base of a very lucrative business around the world, in which Mexico participates as the main Aloe Vera raw materials producer and exporter country. For the perishable nature of Aloe Vera raw materials, they go under a stabilization process that fulfills the final consumer requirements. Many of the companies certify their raw materials, processes and final products in order to guarantee to the final consumer the origin, purity, and product content, besides the ethical strictness of their promotional and commercial information. The certifying council (International Aloe Science Council) express in their promotion that certified companies are more competitive than those that don't certify their products. However, since the lack of evidences of this fact and the high cost that represents this certification for the small companies, a study was made to determine through the consultation of the Aloe Vera industry directives in Mexico, if such effect is perceived. The study information was obtained by means of questionnaires and interviews with directive of companies of Tamaulipas, Yucatan, Durango and the Texas's Valley. The results showed that the factors with more impact in the competitiveness of Aloe Vera industry in Mexico are product quality and capacity of the company directives. In general 90% of the sample agrees there is a direct relationship between raw materials, products and processes certification and the competitiveness of the companies. In consequence this answer gave elements to support the hypothesis of the existence of a relationship among the considered variables.




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