An economic analysis of MGNREG programme has been made in the Mysore district of Karnataka during
the year 2009-10. The women participation among total registered workers in MGNREGS has been found
significant at 47.8 per cent. Among the total number of works executed under MGNREGS in the sample
villages, 96.8 per cent have been natural resource management works and 74.2 per cent community works.
More number of natural resource management works are needed to be taken up on individual farmers’
fields to make MGNREGS complementary to agriculture. Among the total participants and non-participants
of MGNREGS, 70 per cent in each case were agricultural labourers. In the total income earned by participants
and non participants, a major proportion was from agricultural labour work (60.55% and 52.59%,
respectively), followed by crop cultivation (24.95% and 47.41%, respectively) and MGNREGS (14.50% in
case of participants). Average annual person-days of employment generated from MGNREGS works was
57. About 68 per cent of landless participants derived 28 per cent of their household income from MGNREGS
compared to only 6 per cent in case of participants with land. The study has found that, there has been
reduction in the supply of labour to agriculture to the extent of 40.67 person-days per year on an average
after the implementation of MGNREGS. Hence, MGNREGS works need to be executed only during offseason.