India is a major supplier of turmeric to the world with more than 60 per cent share in turmeric trade. The
production and export performance of turmeric in India have been examined using secondary data for the
period from 1974-75 to 2007-08 and exponential form of growth function has been used for the analysis.
The growth in production and export of turmeric has been reported significant, because of the high
demand coupled with inflation. Instability index has been worked for the production and export for preliberalization
and post-liberalization periods. Instability has been observed high for production, export and
prices of domestic and international markets and domestic and international prices have shown high
integration. For the assessment of direction of trade, the Markov chain model has been used. The data
regarding country-wise export of turmeric has shown that the previous export share retention for Indian
turmeric has been high in minor importing countries (pooled under others category) (87 %), followed by
UAE (49 %), Iran (41 %) and UK (35 %). The countries such as USA and Japan have not been the stable
importers of Indian turmeric. The plans for export may be oriented towards these two countries and also
plans should be formulated for stabilizing the export of turmeric to other countries. The farmers should be
provided training on production of a quality product.