The study has analysed the temporary migration of sheep as a response to the demand-supply
disequilibrium of fodder and water and has explored its trends, determinants and constraints by using the
data collected from rural areas of semi-arid Rajasthan. About 32 per cent of the farmers in the study area
undertake temporary sheep migration. The migrating farmers have higher holding size of sheep, goat and
buffaloes and are better in terms of adoption of improved sheep management practices than non-migrant
farmers. The flock size, potential household labour supply and credit absorption behaviour have been
reported to positively affect the odds of migration. The farmers face various en-route problems during
migration, the major ones being increased morbidity, non-availability of veterinary medicines, resistance
from local persons, theft and missing of sheep. The net return per animal per year has been found slightly
higher in case of the non-migrant sheep flocks. The study has argued that migration of livestock is to be
viewed as a method of production and adaptive mechanism evolved over the years. Efforts to sendentarise
migrants without providing alternate fodder sources or productive assets of gainful employment may not
be fruitful. In order to sustain the livelihood of the sheep farmers, institutional intervention to enhance
accessibility to fodder and feed, veterinary services and strengthening of the extension services is needed.