

The Farm Income, Financial Conditions and Government Assistance data book is a compendium of mainly historical data series from several sources. This information is compiled together to provide a comprehensive view of the situation in primary agriculture and the expenditures that governments are making to ensure a strong and competitive sector. The data book represents a convenient single resource for users of key economic and financial indicators of the primary agriculture sector. The data book also provides valuable information on government assistance to the agriculture and agri-food sector not readily available from other sources. The information in the data book is prepared in consultation with the provincial ministries responsible for Agriculture. Information is also provided by other members of Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada as well as by other federal departments. The data book is divided into four sections. Section A presents information related to farm income while Section B contains information on farm financial conditions. Section C provides data on government expenditures for the agri-food sector and Section D provides information on estimates of support to agriculture. Notes on the methodology are provided at the end of each section. Each issue provides the most up-to-date key economic and financial indicators.




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