A contract has recently been completed between the Economics Research Service of the U.S.D.A. and Michigan State University, under which the Department of Agricultural Economics at MSU. will analyze prospective changes in agricultural trade of E.F.T.A. countries. This study will be complementary to work recently undertaken for the E.E.C. It will comprise three sub-projects, viz: 1) Changes in policies, prices, and market relationships under E.F.T.A. policies and membership of northern E.F.T.A. countries in the E.E.C.; 2) Change and prospective developments in the grain livestock economy of the U.K., Ireland, and Denmark; and 3) Prospective supply-demand balances and trading relationships under E.F.T.A. policies and membership of northern E.F.T.A. countries in the E.E.C. and implications for U.S. exports of crops, livestock, and livestock products.
The chief function of this paper is to provide a guide to the researcher in carrying out these sub-projects for the United Kingdom.