

In 1978, the American Agricultural Economics Association sponsored a study entitled "Needs and Strategies for Improving Training of Agricultural Economists for Work in International Agricultural Development." Major emphasis was placed on exploring two related topics. First, what can U.S. universities do to improve the training of future agricultural economists from LDC's for work in the agricultural development of their countries; and second, what can be done to increase the participation and contribution of young U.S. professionals trained to work in the economics of agricultural development in LDC's. It is generally recognized that it is desirable for LDC professionals to staff and direct their own programs to develop their agricultural sectors. This is an ideal towards which most LDC's are moving, but an ideal which has not yet been attained. It is reasonable to expect that in many developing countries much of the technical expertise required for development work will continue to come from the developed countries for at least the next two decades. The need to teach and advise LDC students in U.S. universities will also continue to exist.




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