This report presents global and domestic information regarding production, trade and market developments for pickled cucumbers. U.S. cucumber production and trade are commonly divided into two categories: fresh and pickling. Michigan is the largest producer of pickling cucumbers in the country, accounting for 18 percent of total U.S. production. Like many agri-food industries, this processed product sector has gone through numerous changes in the past decade which have influenced production and marketing trends, and assessing the influence of individual factors is difficult. However, using production and trade data it is possible to infer some possible drivers of trends and outcomes for the industry.
Year-round supply from other countries, quality products at more competitive prices, changing consumer preferences, and more service-oriented business models have introduced new marketing structures likely to continue driving future trade and production patterns. The information presented in this report is important in order to assess competitiveness and develop a broad and well-informed perspective for the pickling industry in Michigan.
The report is structured as follows: first, we present information on global volume produced in the period 1992 to 2004, including rates of change in production and shares of total world production by country. Second, we compare total acreage trends in the U.S and production and acreage trends in Michigan during the late 1990s and early 2000s. Third, we highlight information on pickled cucumber import and export volumes by country. Finally, we present a brief description of historic trends in food marketing and globalization that are likely to continue influencing the pickling industry in the future.