The Victorian Department of Sustainability and Environment (DSE) spent the latter
decades of the 20th century fully integrating the surface and sub-surface drainage
systems with the water distribution network in northern Victoria, thereby enabling
complete recycling of outfalls, leaks and seepage from its channels. Yet in 2007, in
repudiation of this recycling capacity, DSE announced a multibillion dollar
modernisation project it claims will “create” 450 GL of “new water” by reducing
“inefficiencies” in the channel distribution system.
Examination of the northern Victorian irrigation supply system shows it was fully
integrated with more than adequate recycling capacity before the project began. In a
classic case of double counting, DSE was already delivering the illusory “new water”
to regional irrigators and billing them for it. Thus the project cannot deliver real
water savings and the Government must effectively reduce irrigation entitlement to
increase entitlements for urban consumption and environmental flows.
The financial and economic impact of bogus water savings on stakeholders is
discussed in terms of the opportunity cost of appropriated irrigation entitlement and
of the effect of overcapitalisation of the distribution system on annual capital charges
and thus the viability of irrigation and the operating water authority.