Based on the description of the major role played by famers’ cooperatives in developing rural economy and increasing the income of farmers, the obstacles of the sustainable development of famers’ cooperatives in Hebei Province are introduced. Firstly, the cooperative mechanism is imperfect; secondly, the development is substandard; thirdly, the coverage of supportive policy is limited; fourthly, the capitals and financing problem are difficult; fifthly, the operation is single; sixthly, the construction of marketing channels is the weak; seventhly, the professional talents are scarce. The sustainable development paths of famers’ cooperatives in Heibei Province are analyzed. Firstly, conducting value-added processing and taking the way of materialized development, industrialized operation and enterprise-style management; secondly, implementing agricultural quality and brand strategy and moving into the high level market; thirdly, constructing modern agricultural marketing and taking the road of supermarket agriculture; fourthly, enforcing the management of information and getting efficiency form information; fifthly, developing recycling agriculture and taking the way of improving resource efficiency. There are five ways for establishing the operational mechanism of sustainable development of farmers’ cooperatives in Heibei Province. The government should innovate the cooperation mechanism; innovating training and education mechanism; innovating production mechanism; innovating financial mechanism; innovating marketing mechanism.