Within the framework of the nitrate directive, member states have the possibility to apply for
derogation, i.e. increasing fertilization standards under certain conditions. Several EU regions
have made use of this possibility but all in a different way. In 2009, 6 different derogation
policies were worked out. This paper focuses on the differences between the applied policies
and makes an assessment of the impact of these differences on the application rate of
derogation, the manure surplus and the costs to allocate the manure. Based on the MP-MAS
model described by Van der Straeten et al. (2010) the different scenarios are applied on a single
case area (Flanders) and the economic effects have been simulated. Results show large
differences between the policy alternatives, leading to the conclusion that member states not
only have to focus on the permission to allow derogation or not but also at the details of the
derogation policy. Granting derogation at parcel level instead of farm level increases the
potential effect of derogation, the height of the increase in fertilization standards under
derogation determines the application rate of derogation: a higher increase leads to a higher
application rate.