The feasibility of springbuck based meat production in the EC Karoo was analysed through a stochastic budgeting model,
while overtly taking cost and price risk into consideration. Monte Carlo simulation of a springbuck based meat production
enterprise was used to quantify the risks that would be faced by springbuck ranchers. Springbuck ranching has been proven
a viable alternative in the production of highly nutritious and healthy meat (venison) that is on high demand in European
markets and more recently with a promising and growing local demand as well. The results indicate that in the Eastern
Cape Karoo, springbuck ranching for meat production is a viable business. As the call for more environmentally friendlier
rangelands utilisation economic systems intensifies, rangelands owners in the EC Karoo have a practicable option. At the
very least, an alternative to broaden their incomes with springbuck based meat production exists.