Although interest in the structure and relational features of social capital and its
underlying networks has grown since the early 1990s, the terms do not embody
any ideas that are really new to sociologists, but are indeed rather new to
economists. Until the 1950s, land, labour, and financial capital (i.e., levels of
investment) were seen as being relevant for economic growth. Then technology
(physical capital) was added to the list. In the early 1960s, convincing empirical
evidence showed that labour without know-how and entrepreneurial skills
(human capital) limit the potential of the other production factors. Today, labour
and skills are usually simultaneously addressed when talking of human capital.
In development economics, and more recently in main-stream and transition
economics, social capital is more and more considered an important capital asset
for the welfare of individuals and communities. Already in the early 1990s,
development economics postulated the so-called capital asset pentagon that
comprises the mainstream economic production factors, as well as social capital
(see figure below). The potential of compensating the lack of one capital asset
with the existence of another was seen as important for maintaining a
sustainable livelihood. It is also important to note that human capital resides in
individuals and social capital in relationships (WOOLCOCK, 2001). As literate
and informed people are better able to organize, evaluate and transform
information, human and social capital assets are complements. In addition,
social capital can supplement meagre levels of other capital assets. Capital asset pentagon of the sustainable livelihood framework: During the transformation process of transition countries in the 1990s, the
tremendous institutional changes and breakdowns in the public and private sectors further accelerated interest in social capital. Public service institutions
such as kindergartens or farm extension services were closed and rural
communities with social capital could compensate for this by collective actions.
The emergence of a relatively flourishing microfinance sector in urban and rural
areas is proof of the power of tapping social networks when public and private
banks refrain from servicing the poorer segments of the population.
This edited volume tries to bring together academics in Germany who have an
outspoken interest in conducting research on social capital and the underlying
network in a rural context. The volume starts out with two conceptual and
methodological contributions, one by BUCHENRIEDER and DUFHUES and another
by BUCHENRIEDER, which pave the way for a better understanding of the
empirical contributions. The contributions by DUFHUES and BUCHENRIEDER and
WOLZ, FRITZSCH and REINSBERG discuss methodological issues to operationalise
social capital as a parameter in econometric analyses. While DUFHUES and
BUCHENRIEDER address the issue based on interpersonal relationships and
propose methods to model networks, WOLZ, FRITZSCH and REINSBERG construct
a factor from the observance of structured social capital in rural areas of the
Czech Republic. They find that some forms of structured social capital
contribute to total farm output. In this sense, social capital drives total factor
productivity, which is in line with what DASGUPTA (2002) claimed, and can be
considered a new production factor. KASARJYAN and KORFF use a networkcentred
approach to assess the effects of strong and weak ties on having access
to rural microcredit in Armenia in a situation where the formal financial market
fails. Interestingly, it is mostly bonding social capital that determines access.
Clearly, as the rural financial market develops in Armenia, access to rural credit
has to go beyond family and friendship ties. Finally, BEUCHELT and FISCHER
describe how rural households in Vietnam manage risk based on their five
capital assets. Normally, financial, physical and natural capital assets are already
stretched to their limits and it is the social capital that has to be called upon
when an income shock hits. However, social capital is more developed in the
better-off households than in the very poor households.
Therefore, it can be concluded from the empirical contributions in this volume
that access to social capital is not a panacea for rural economic development
under difficult societal, economic and political conditions. Nevertheless,
interpersonal networks of social capital can help to ease socio-economic hardship
when the state and market fail to do their share.