The purpose of this article is to provide a brief description of the pattern of farming in New South Wales as illustrated by the diagram map which is to be found at the back of this issue. The map shows the approximate location and extent of the regions where the chief rural products are produced. Symbols have been used to indicate the centres of production and the relative importance of some of the less significant products.
On the basis of the type of fanning carried on, the State may be divided into several regions. tile dairying region of the Coast, the merino-mixed farming association of the Tablelands, the region of mixed farming based on wheat growing of the Slopes and eastern portion of the Plains and the extensive strong-wool merino region comprising most of the Plains, the Riverina and the Western Division. The statistical divisions of the State (illustrated in Diagram I) thus provide a convenient basis for describing the different farming regions.
The locations of the various types of farming depend on the level of rainfall more than on any other single factor. Thus within these regions wherever water is available. either from private irrigation schemes along rivers or fro111 large irrigation projects, the pattern of farming changes to a more intensive type.