      recid = {6166},
      author = {Greenhalgh, Suzie},
      title = {Bundled Ecosystem Markets – Are They The Future?},
      address = {2008},
      number = {382-2016-22632},
      series = {Selected Paper},
      pages = {28},
      year = {2008},
      abstract = {Bundled ecosystem markets may be the next big buzz in  environmental policy and ecosystem conservation and  restoration. But what does it mean? And what is the  feasibility of these markets? While single service  ecosystem markets are proliferating, bundled ecosystem  markets are not. Using some ‘enabling’ and ‘operating’  conditions identified for various single ecosystem markets,  I will see how these conditions hold as you move to bundled  ecosystem markets. I also outline some of the hurdles that  confront the development of bundled ecosystem markets and  what may need to be reconciled to move these markets  forward. This article is aimed at stimulating greater  thinking and promoting more exploration by the policy and  research community into the development of bundled  ecosystem markets.},
      url = {http://ageconsearch.umn.edu/record/6166},
      doi = {https://doi.org/10.22004/ag.econ.6166},