A basic right of both a consumer and a citizen is the right to be heard, and their voiced concerns
have to be taken into account when developing policies and obtaining trust for government
actions. Therefore this study focuses on consumers’ interests, opinions and expectations which
are identified and categorised according to subject area, degree of involvement and political
agenda of a consumer. The paper draws on the responses of individual members of the public in
the National Food Policy discussion initiated by the Scottish Government in 2008. Altogether
246 responses were subjected to quantitative analysis of texts, supported by text mining. A
variety of interests and opinions underpinning the political agendas of individuals responding to
the National Food Policy discussion document were identified and discussed in the paper in the
context of political consumerism and influence citizens-consumers are likely to have on policy
development and its subsequent implementation. In the broad perspective of the Scottish food
supply chain, the three pillars of sustainability: economy, environment and society, are defining
the nature of public concerns and expectations. Findings could be applied across many different
policy areas including food production and distribution, heath education and promotion, support
of small local businesses, environment protection, travel, waste management/recycling and