The role of well-functioning markets for development is now widely recognized, however the
challenge remains to make these markets benefit the poor and the environment. Increasing attention is
being given to the potential role markets can play for agrobiodiversity conservation through product
diversification and increasing competitiveness in niche and novelty markets. Bioversity International
has undertaken several studies that explore the use of market-based approaches to on-farm
agrobiodiversity management and livelihood improvement. Case studies have been developed on a
range of species, varieties and derived products, including underutilized species and commodities in
several regions of the world.
This paper explores how the theory of collective action can provide a more synthetic
understanding of how market chains operate and how changes in the market chain and market
institutions can permit a more equitable distribution of welfare benefits. The case studies illustrate the
need for improved trust, a mutual understanding of each actor’s involvement and the need for an
agreed process of collective action that involves a high level of community participation to achieve an
improved market chain organization benefiting the poor.
The cases differ in their degree of collective action, the level of market organization and the
ways in which handling, processing, and innovative marketing add value to the agrobiodiversity
products. Comparative analysis of these cases identified a range of options and situations in which
market development can support agrobiodiversity conservation and livelihoods. Bringing together these experiences will also help to identify the situations in which a collective approach can maximize the capturing of market benefits for smallholders. Trade-offs between income generation, livelihood security, and agrobiodiversity conservation should be further examined in order to find solutions that support sustainable development of poor communities that manage agricultural biodiversity.