      recid = {49365},
      author = {Kobayashi, Mimako and Harris, Thomas R. and Rollins,  Kimberly S.},
      title = {Invasive Weeds, Wildfire, and Rancher Decision Making in  the Great Basin},
      address = {2009-04-30},
      number = {319-2016-9936},
      series = {Selected Paper},
      pages = {23},
      month = {Apr},
      year = {2009},
      abstract = {In this article, a numerical stochastic dynamic  programming model (SDP) is developed to characterize the  decision problem of a rancher operating on rangelands in  northern Nevada that are affected by invasive annual  grasses and wildfire.  The model incorporates decisions  about herd size management of a cow-calf operation and  fuels treatment to reduce the size of rangeland wildfires.   Currently, high transactions costs to obtain permits to  implement land treatments on federally-owned rangelands  appear to limit rancher involvement.  The results of the  model suggest that ranch income motives alone are likely  insufficient for private ranchers to adopt preventative  land treatments.  The current treatment cost ($20 per acre  at the minimum) appears to be prohibitively expensive  relative to the benefits derived from the treatments under  the low-productivity, semi-arid rangeland conditions.},
      url = {http://ageconsearch.umn.edu/record/49365},
      doi = {https://doi.org/10.22004/ag.econ.49365},