

On the basis of our examinations we have come to the conclusion that longitudinal examinations are the simplest and most up-to-date methods as well as the most cost-efficient ones for following the decision-making, preparatory data collection, processing and analysis opportunities, which better and better serve the sustainability of agriculture, together with subsequently tracking feedback about the decisions to see if the given measure has really resulted in reaching the objectives. The method was proved capable of supplying both micro- and macro-level information in the desired breakdown, groupings and systems of connections. The development successive (panel) examination that we applied can serve as the basis of decision-making affecting huge areas by means of total listings and breakdowns. Moreover, it can also control their effects and aftermaths. We suggest implementing the introduction this data-collecting and information- supplying method, declared desirable by the European Union. Implementation would be eased to a great extent by the fact that the relevant organisations stand available.




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