      recid = {44143},
      author = {Zhu, Xueqin and Demeter, Robert Milan and Oude Lansink,  Alfons G.J.M.},
      title = {Competitiveness of dairy farms in three countries: the  role of CAP subsidies},
      address = {2008},
      number = {725-2016-49623},
      pages = {15},
      year = {2008},
      abstract = {This paper investigates the impact of CAP
subsidies on the  competitiveness of dairy farms in
Germany, the Netherlands,  and Sweden. Technical
efficiency results show that coupled  subsidies have
negative impacts in Germany and the  Netherlands, but
no significant impacts in Sweden.  Decoupled subsidies
negatively affect technical efficiency  in each country and
to a larger extent than coupled  subsidies. Relative
productivity results indicate that  Dutch technology leads
to the highest output, followed by  technologies in
Germany and Sweden. Dutch farms can improve  their
competitiveness by exploring their current  production
potential. Besides improving efficiency, German  and
Swedish farms may have options to improve  their
production technology.},
      url = {http://ageconsearch.umn.edu/record/44143},
      doi = {https://doi.org/10.22004/ag.econ.44143},